How to Know If You’re Truly Ready for a Serious Relationship
Many of us think we are — here’s how to know for sure
It’s called “the Wobegon effect” — after the fictional Lake Wobegon, where “all the children are well-behaved, the women are good-looking, and the men are rich.” We all have a tendency to over-estimate our own abilities and under-estimate our shortcomings; in reality, in every category, almost half of us are below average (see what I did there?). Denial, by its very nature, resides in our blind spots: we simply do not know what we refuse to see. Self-awareness & introspection are uncomfortable & difficult processes, and to really dig up the buried aspects of our behavior, we need the help of an outside source — such as a trusted friend or counselor, or in a pinch, some random guy who wrote an article that people will most likely read while sitting on a toilet (you’re welcome; also, you’re running low on toilet paper).
So, without further ado, here are some common signs that you’re not as ready to be in a serious relationship as you might believe:
Do you feel justified in hurting someone who hurt you?
This is the most common behavior I’ve observed in others and in myself, and often the most difficult for us to admit to ourselves. When someone…